AfriFarm Sync, a secondary partner of the African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI), has chosen AKILIMO as an extension tool for cassava farmer training. AfriFarm Sync is a value chain (VC) development organization that uses logistics services to serve farmers, input dealers, mechanization service providers, traders, farmer’s product processors, and other service providers in the cassava, soybean, and rice value chains. AfriFarm Sync assists in the creation of smooth business systems for these clients while also allowing them to earn commissions and profits on transactions.

Cassava, rice, soybeans, and cashew are AfriFarm Sync’s main crops in both Benue and Kogi States, where they are operational. AKILIMO has been chosen as the most effective tool for teaching their cassava farmers. It’s especially popular because it makes things easier.
AfriFarm Sync collaborates with input companies and produce off-takers (processors) to build collection centers around farmer clusters, where farmers can buy farm inputs (seeds, fertilizers, agrochemicals, and so on) at wholesale prices and benefit from a premium market provided by the collection centers. The organization also manage an e-commerce and farm information portal on the internet.
In November 2021, AfriFarm Sync arranged a training of trainers for its extension agents in order to effectively integrate AKILIMO into their operations. They communicate with different value chain actors through their digital platform, using AKILIMO use cases ((fertilizer recommendations, best planting practices and weed management, , cassava–maize intercropping, and schedule planting & high starch, and many other AKILIMO formats .
The organization’s main form of operation is to create collecting centers around groups of farmers that function as one-stop shops for all of the farmers’ requirements. It also supplies insecticides, fertilizers, and mechanization services, among other agro-inputs. Finally, AfriFarm Sync provides extension services and training, as well as financial inclusion for farmers and a harvest market.
This latest achievement is yet another important step toward bringing more actors on board in the effort to broaden the scope of AKILIMO’s use and assure its life and sustainability beyond the ACAI project.