SG 2000 holds ACAI farmers’ field day in Anambra
ACAI development partner in Anambra state in Nigeria, Sasakawa Africa Association (SG2000) organized farmers’ field days to show case the results from ACAI research and validation trials within three local governments in Anambra state between July and August 2018.
SG 2000 working closely with the National Root Crops Research Institute NRCRI brought together more than 30 farmers from three out of the four Intercropping (IC) validation clusters in Anambra state to learn from one of the lead farmers carrying Intercropping trials for maize and cassava under the ACAI project.
Chris Okoli, SG2000 state coordinator for Anambra organized the event due to what he referred to popular demand from the farmers he has been in interaction with who are interested in the ACAI activities.
While farmers in the area commonly plant their crops on mounds without specific densities and fertilizer regime, ACAI has been carrying out trials to establish the most suitable planting densities, fertilizer regime and land preparation to maximize yield from both crops.
“When neighboring farmers pass by our trials, they are mesmerized, and always ask when we can bring them to our plots and teach them our procedures, that is what we have done now.” Said Chris Okoli, SG2000 Anambra.

Chris Okoli (far right) responding to farmers questions during the field day in Anambra State, Nigeria
In the South East Nigeria, cassava is predominantly intercropped with maize. In 2018, ACAI through its partners is running side by side comparison validation trials to show test the efficacy of the intercropping recommendation decision support tool.
The field days were held on three different days to demonstrate the proper intercropping practices for Maize and cassava, giving spacing dimensions, advice on land preparation, planting dates and the harvest dates and a show of the probable results to be expected from following the IC recommendations.
These were the first field days of the project since the beginning of the validation exercises in Nigeria earlier in the year. The first farmers field day was held in the farm belonging to Mrs Catherine Kenechukwu’s in Umunze, Orumba South local government of Anambra State, Nigeria in July 17th 2018. This was followed up two other field days on the 27th and 28th of August hosted at Offia – Oji Vilage in Dunukofia local government and Ubru in Orumba North local government respectively.
Farmers who participated were impressed with the fields the visited noting the increased plant population and the amount of the maize harvested from the plot in comparison to their practice. The farmer’s response to the trials and ACAI regime of agronomy practices is important especially as the project gets ready for the dissemination phase of the technologies that have been in development.
Festus Arinze, a farmer who works with ACAI in Orumba North local government hosted on of the field days. He implored his peers to emulate his practice and adopt ACAI intercropping recommendations to achieve similar or better results as witnessed in his farm.
ACAI will be hosting similar events to encourage adoption of the DSTs at an early stage and for farmers to participate in the evaluation of the tools that help improve their delivery and recommendations.